Saturday, September 27, 2008

Laser acne scar removal costs

« ...Whether it's prescription Retin-A or any number of over the counter acne care treatments containing retinol, the biggest effect of this treatment is it's ability to irritate the skin and cause flaking. For this reason many people give up on Retin-A before it has a chance to work. To help avoid some of the skin irritation that is common with this treatment, it is best to use a good quality moisturizer throughout the day. If skin flaking occurs, use a wash cloth to remove the flaking and reapply some moisturizer. ...
...Another acne medication that achieves this at the cellular level is Vitamin A itself. This dries the skin and flakes off the dead cells. Another is benzoyl peroxide, found in acne treatments such as Clearasil Max and Proactive. This not only flakes off dead skin cells but also possesses mild antibacterial properties. However, these acne treatments can also dry up the skin of some people and turn it flaky....»
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«...Acne Fulminans is a type of acne conglobata that occurs very rapidly in young men, and it commonly causes severe scarring. Symptoms include aching joints and a fever. Pyoderma Faciale normally affects only the faces of adult females, and forms large nodules and pustules that can cause scarring. With proper care and treatment however, it generally disappears within a year....»
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tags: my acne is only getting worse, how much mg of b5 to cure acne, can apple cider vinegar cause acne skin irritation

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